Fight for peoples rights!!

KA carries out campaigns to fight for the rights and welfare of Filipinos in the US and in the Philippines


The Rise 4 Rights campaign is Kabataan Alliance’s campaign to engage Filipino youth in recognizing the importance and fighting for pro-people mass oriented education that is culturally relevant and free! As member organizations, we must wage campaigns locally as it will be up to us to fight for what is ours! It is only through collective unity and people power from the ground up to the national level to back home in the Philippines where we will see genuine progressive change for our people.

As a national alliance we are encouraging all youth to contribute to our collective for our peoples’ rights by taking action on the education and health crisis we face nationally.

Philippine Human Rights Act

Led by the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines-U.S. (ICHRP-US), Malaya Movement, and Kabataan Alliance to pass U.S. legislation that would suspend U.S. military and police aid to the Philippines until such time that human rights violations cease and responsible state forces are held accountable.

Defend Lumad Struggles

A joint campaign of Kabataan Alliance and Anakbayan-USA to support and defend the Lumad (indigenous people in Mindanao) in their struggle against militarization to reclaim their land and rebuild their communities.

Kapit Bisig Relief

The Kapit Bisig Relief program aims to provide support to disaster-impacted communities through fundraising for relief and rehabilitation. We send donations directly to communities in need through the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns (NAFCON) and their partners on the ground in the Philippines.